

“The ‘Color by Color’ Color Scheme Inspiration Tool”

Use your favorite color with good taste! The first book authored by OUWN Atsushi Ishiguro,
“The ‘Color by Color’ Color Scheme Inspiration Tool” has gone on sale.
It is created to be friendly to everyone who deals with colors.
It also includes a color encyclopedia that can be consulted at a glance, allowing readers to intuitively select colors.
It is a book that has been created in order to enable any color to be used in good taste through the use of color scheme techniques.
This is a book that we can heartily recommend to pick up.
Click here for purchase and more details.


OUWN was founded as a corporation in 2013 by Atsushi Ishiguro and Munechika Fujita. The name stems from our hope to foster interaction, dialogue, and feelings between our owns and yours ( "own" + "u" ) through designing.
In addition to art direction, OUWN’s activities extend into many different fields such as graphics, web, fashion, visual, logo, and other types of design.

With a variety of nice dialogue with you as a "dot", OUWN wishes that dots will connect down the road.